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The Time-Defying Duel at SFPD Fall 2023: A Night Where Every Flipper Counted

At the strike of 7:30 PM on September 20, 2023, the pinball wizards of California convened at Free Gold Watch in San Francisco for a night of electrifying competition. Organized by the San Francisco Pinball Department, the SFPD Fall 2023 #4 tournament had all the makings of a legendary showdown, complete with a game that lasted longer than time itself.

A Timeless Venue

First, let’s talk about the venue. Free Gold Watch has a name that sounds like a secret society for time travelers, and it felt just like that. Imagine walking into a space where every flick of a pinball flipper seems to slow down time. It’s a pinball parlor that doubles as a date spot, ideal for lovebirds who’d rather bond over a high score than a candlelit dinner.

The Longest Game in SFPD History

Black Knight: Sword of Rage, a Stern pinball machine from 2019, was the real star of the evening. As though caught in a time warp, the game extended to a mind-boggling 145 minutes. Now, if you’re a math wizard, you’ll notice that’s longer than the entire tournament (which lasted 139 minutes). How does that happen? Only in the realm of pinball, my friends.

It was Guest Amy Martin, an unranked player, who claimed first place in this never-ending battle, putting seasoned players to shame. Following her were Jose Godinez (IFPA rank 2827), Zac Wollons (IFPA rank 173), and Josh Lehan (IFPA rank 1059).

Pinball Titans & Their Machines

The event featured an impressive array of 62 pinball machines, but a few stood out in particular:

Winners Take It All

The overall winner was none other than Jared Garvey from Berkeley, CA, closely followed by Gabe Da Silveira from Oakland and Andrei Massenkoff from San Francisco. Eric Wagensonner rounded out the top four, proving that the city’s local pinball scene is a force to be reckoned with.

California Dreamin’

Here’s a quick look at the IFPA’s current California Top 10 Standings to give you an idea of the fierce competition:

RankPlayer NameCityWppr Points
1Tim HansenSunnyvale538.96
2Raymond AshbyLos Angeles518.08
3Gabe Da SilveiraOakland462.95
4Scott MaciasGlendora456.81
5Nic SteinDavis418.14
6Andrei MassenkoffSan Francisco415.03
7Escher Lefkoff411.53
8Keith ElwinCarlsbad409.63
9Johnny ModicaHacienda Heights401.79
10Leslie Ruckman360.98

A Night to Remember

In a city known for its eccentricities, the SFPD Fall 2023 #4 pinball tournament did not disappoint. From time-defying games to rookie upsets, this was one for the books.

Keep flipping those flippers and stay tuned for more updates from the realm of pinball!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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