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Where the Underdogs Roar: A Night at Ball Busters Pinball League

Ah, the sweet clinking of pinballs against bumpers, the flashing lights, and that electric feeling you get when the machine erupts in a cacophony of sound as you unlock multiball—it’s the magic of pinball! The Ball Busters Pinball League returned for its 2023 Season #5 Week 3 at the much-revered Pinball Gallery in Malvern, Pennsylvania. And trust me, this one was for the books!

Quick Facts:

The event took place on September 20, 2023, starting at 6:30 PM. The gathering saw 17 pinball enthusiasts go flipper-to-flipper in five intense rounds. Our gracious host, Bill Disney, kept the event running smoothly, clocking in at just a minute shy of two hours. The weather? Let’s just say it was as clear as the players’ focus that night.

Spotlight on Batman 66

Ah, the caped crusader! No, I’m not talking about Batman; I’m talking about Ana Dult, an unranked underdog who swooped in and took the first place in a round on Batman 66 (Premium) by Stern. The other contenders, Charissa Wiley, Linda Slodki, and Kate Ocasio, also unranked, fought valiantly but had to settle for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th respectively.

An Unusual Leaderboard

Now, here’s the kicker. Our winners’ podium featured names you won’t find in the Top 10 IFPA standings. Let’s give a massive shoutout to the champions:

  1. Ana Dult – Unranked but mighty, this was her 7th IFPA event. Can someone get her ranked, please?
  2. Jamme Thomas – A seasoned player who showcased his skills splendidly.
  3. Becky Kisling – Another unranked gem, making waves in her 12th IFPA event.
  4. Sherry Disney – She showed she’s nobody’s sidekick in pinball.

The Machines That Witnessed It All

The Pinball Gallery offered an impressive spread of 12 machines, making sure there was something for everyone. Here are some of the highlight machines of the night:

A Blast from the Past

The venue? A retro haven. It was like stepping into a time machine aimed squarely at the ’80s, complete with a plethora of games that would make anyone feel nostalgic. With a convenient location and the added bonus of an Asian grocery store next door, this spot had it all.

IFPA Pennsylvania Top 10

And just for perspective, here’s how the local champions line up:

RankPlayer NameCityWppr Points
1Cryss Stephens180.56
2Jared SchmidtPittsburgh152.25
3Lewis BevansPittsburgh141.78
4Aleksander Kaczmarczyk136.81
5Stephen LeChesterbrook110.04
6Bob ChoatePhiladelphia98.16
7Matt GuslerPhiladelphia94.96
8Tony MakowskiLansdale78.75
9Raymond DavidsonElk Grove Village74.72
10Jay Robinson70.23

See that? Not a single Top 10 IFPA player took the trophy this time. And that, my friends, is the beauty of pinball—anyone can be a hero for a night. So keep those flippers ready; we’ll be back with more pinball action soon!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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