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Pinball Wizards & Womxn Warriors: A Knockout Day at Tik Tok’s!

On a clear day, with the temperature mildly kissing 59°F, Bremerton’s air was buzzing not just with nature but with the thrilling sounds of pinball machines and excited chatter. The reason for this electrifying atmosphere? The Tik Tok’s Womxn Group Knockout October pinball tournament!

Bremerton’s Hidden Gem: Tik Tok’s Workshop

Tucked away on Sylvan Way, Tik Tok’s Workshop isn’t just your run-of-the-mill gaming joint. With a stream of music providing the ambiance and a jukebox for those with specific tunes in mind, it’s the hub for pinball enthusiasts. Whether you’re taking aim at the pins in the bowling alley (only a quarter per player!) or teaming up for a 4-player Pac-Man, there’s something for everyone. In Richard Godwin’s own words, “Whether solo or group, Tik Tok’s has you covered!” And judging by the rave reviews, many will be returning for more action.

Tik Tok’s Workshop

Gameplay Mechanics: The Ultimate Knockout Challenge

The tournament, a brainchild of Richard Godwin, brought together 7 fierce players, who were eliminated only after accumulating three strikes. The knockout format: in four-player groups, the bottom two earned two strikes each, while in three-player groups, only the last player received a strike. A tense, thrilling game of survival!

Rising to the Occasion: Monster Bash!

In a standout game of Round 1, Rachel Kahalekulu showcased her impeccable pinball skills, landing the top spot on the “Monster Bash (Remake)” machine, followed by Bremerton’s own Ashley Parsons. Meanwhile, Meredith Parsons and Colleen Godwin made a notable effort, but faced the fierce competition of the round.

Honoring the Womxn of the Hour

An astounding performance by Pinky Barney clinched her the top position, with Astrid Morrison and Gocelyn Morgado tailing closely. Rachel Kahalekulu’s consistent gameplay secured her the fourth spot. Kudos, ladies!

Vintage and Modern: Machines Galore

Among the 15 pinball machines present, some classics and modern gems stood out:

Washington’s Pinball Royalty

The IFPA Washington Pinball Top 10:

RankPlayer NameCityWppr Points
1Germain MariolleRedmond636.34
2Lonnie LangfordSeattle572.96
3Richie TerrySeattle519.43
4Sean IrbySeattle472.63
5Jarrett GaddySeattle464.8
6David ChernicoffSeattle436.46
7Dave StewartCarnation409.94
8Raymond DavidsonElk Grove Village364.71
9Neal JoslynBremerton364.69
10Zach McCarthyConifer325.13

Until the Next Flip

As flippers rested and lights dimmed, Tik Tok’s Workshop bore witness to a day of passion, competition, and camaraderie. Keep your calendars marked and your game face on; the pinball realm is always awaiting your return!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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