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When Time Warped: The SFPD Fall 2023 #5 Pinball Tournament

On a balmy evening, with temperatures hanging around a comfortable 72°F, the heart of San Francisco pulsated with a different kind of energy. On October 04, 2023, at 7:30 PM, the pinball wizards of the West converged at the iconic Free Gold Watch, ready to face off in the much-anticipated SFPD Fall 2023 #5 pinball tournament.

Venue Vibes: Free Gold Watch

Free Gold Watch wasn’t just another arcade. The retro lighting, the clattering of the pinball machines, and the excited murmurs created a symphony, making it the perfect place for dates, friendships, and of course, some serious pinball action.

A Game That Bent The Fabric of Time

In a peculiar and somewhat humorous turn of events, one game in particular, the Snow Derby by Gottlieb (circa 1970) seemed to stretch the very fabric of time. Clocking in at a mind-boggling 150 minutes, this game magically outlasted the entire tournament’s duration. Whether it was a rift in the space-time continuum or just some very intense gameplay, we might never know.

A hearty shoutout to the players of this marathon match:

  • Josh Campoverde: Leading the pack with the calm composure that comes with an IFPA rank of 3688.
  • Eric Wagensonner: A close second and a force to be reckoned with given his rank of 308.
  • Mikey Lee Barton: Third on the Snow Derby but first in enthusiasm with a rank of 7398.
  • Dominic DiPalantino: Completing the quartet with a respectable fourth position, showcasing his skillset ranked at 4681.

The Crowning Glories of the Evening

Amidst the echoes of flippers and bells, emerged some clear victors:

  1. Zac Wollons: Dominated the evening, backed by his impressive track record with 362 IFPA events.
  2. Jon Oberto: Made a mark despite his relatively newcomer status, landing a proud second.
  3. Jared Garvey: This Berkeley local clinched third with style, leveraging his experience from 277 IFPA events.
  4. Josh Lehan: Another force from Castro Valley, finishing the night strong in fourth place.

The Machines That Made The Night

A stellar line-up of 63 machines entertained the crowd, with some standouts like:

Golden State’s Pinball Giants

While the evening celebrated individual games, it also acknowledged the prowess of California’s finest pinball players:

RankPlayer NameCityWppr Points
1Tim HansenSunnyvale599.79
2Gabe Da SilveiraOakland553.28
3Escher Lefkoff532.32
4Raymond AshbyLos Angeles520.25
5Scott MaciasGlendora461.57
6Nic SteinDavis436.01
7Johnny ModicaHacienda Heights420.6
8Andrei MassenkoffSan Francisco415.03
9Keith ElwinCarlsbad409.63
10Leslie Ruckman408.05

As flippers rested and lights dimmed, the SFPD Fall 2023 #5 came to a close, leaving attendees with memories, stories, and a palpable excitement for the next gathering.

Stay locked on San Francisco Pinball Dept for more adventures in the world of pinball!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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