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Decking the Flippers: A Festive Fling at the Pinsomniacs Pinball Xmas Bash

The holiday spirit and the clatter of pinball machines made a harmonious duo at the Pinsomniacs Pinball Xmas Bash 2023. Held at the vibrant Tepey’s Taps & Tacos in Jacksonville, this December 10th tournament wasn’t just about competition; it was a celebration of pinball passion under the mistletoe of camaraderie.

The Stage is Set

With the venue’s flavorful tacos and a diverse beer list that could make any connoisseur’s day (trust me, the Munich dunkel is a must-try), Tepey’s was more than just a backdrop. It was an integral character in this pinball play. A light rain drizzled outside, but inside, the warmth of friendly competition and laughter lit up the room.

The Game is Afoot

Organized meticulously by Nick Byrd (check out their site for future events), the tournament saw 27 pinball wizards battle through 9 intense rounds. Each round was a dance of flippers, with points accumulating towards the grand finale. Our top four contenders – Shannon Stafford, Jokton Strealy, Anthony Dickson, and Tristan Stafford – showed skills that were nothing short of magical.

Spotlight on ‘Queen’

A standout moment was in Round 3 on the ‘Queen‘ machine by Pinball Brothers. This recent addition to the pinball world, released in July 2022, became the arena for an epic showdown. The results spoke of talent and strategy, with Shannon Stafford leading the pack, followed closely by Jokton Strealy, Anthony Dickson, and Tristan Stafford.

The Victors

Shannon Stafford emerged as the champion, a testament to skill and strategy. Jokton Strealy, our runner-up from Valdosta, GA, showed that perseverance and flair go hand in hand. Anthony Dickson and Tristan Stafford, each with their unique play styles, added to the tournament’s electric atmosphere.

More than Just a Game

The tournament wasn’t just about winning or losing. It was a celebration of a community brought together by a shared love for pinball. The machines – from the classic ‘Creature from the Black Lagoon‘ to the newest ‘Venom‘ by Stern – each told a story, a piece of pinball history that we all got to be a part of.

Farewell, but not Goodbye

As the flippers stilled and the lights dimmed, we left with memories of a holiday season spent among friends, both old and new. The Pinsomniacs Pinball Xmas Bash was more than a tournament; it was a reminder of the joy that comes from sharing a passion.

So, keep those flippers ready, and follow us for more updates from the realm of pinball. Until next time, keep the ball rolling and the spirits high!

Visit the Pinsomniacs Website | Tepey’s Taps & Tacos

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