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Flippers in Action: The Thrill of Tik Tok’s Matchplay Tournament

An Evening of Pinball at Tik Tok’s Workshop

Tik Tok’s Matchplay 1/30 tournament, held on a cool evening in Bremerton, Washington, brought together a tight-knit group of pinball enthusiasts for a spirited competition. With the weather marked by broken clouds and a mild 53°F, the setting was perfect for an intense 3 hours of pinball action.

The Heart of Competition

Under the guidance of Richard Godwin, 12 players embarked on a pinball journey through 8 rounds, each round offering a chance to climb the ranks and secure victory. The tournament’s structure tested both the players’ skill and their ability to adapt to different machines and challenges.

High Stakes on White Water

A pivotal moment in the tournament was the battle on Williams’ White Water, a game known for its fast-paced gameplay and challenging ramps. Daniel Trobare emerged victorious in this round, showcasing his skill and strategic prowess on this classic machine.

Pinball Champions Emerge

The tournament’s conclusion saw a celebration of skill and determination, with the top players distinguished not just by their victories but also by their journey within the competitive pinball community:

  1. Jessica Barron from Bremerton – IFPA Rank 1615: Her victory was a testament to her consistent performance and deep understanding of the game’s nuances.
  2. Daniel TrobareIFPA Rank 2479: Demonstrated exceptional skill, marking a significant milestone in his pinball career with this tournament.
  3. Bruce CherryIFPA Rank 7631: Showed remarkable talent, proving that dedication and passion for pinball pay off.
  4. Neal Joslyn from Bremerton – IFPA Rank 218: A seasoned player, his performance was enhanced by a strategic 10-point adjustment, highlighting his extensive experience in the field.

A Diverse Array of Pinball Adventures

The tournament featured an eclectic mix of 15 pinball machines, providing a broad spectrum of themes and gameplay experiences:

The Vibrant Venue: Tik Tok’s Workshop

Tik Tok’s Workshop proved to be an ideal backdrop for the tournament, with its lively atmosphere and diverse entertainment options. From the nostalgic tunes of the jukebox to the communal fun of 4-player Pac-Man, the venue offered something for everyone, making it a must-visit location for pinball aficionados and casual gamers alike.

In Appreciation

A special thanks to Richard Godwin for orchestrating a seamless tournament and to Tik Tok’s Workshop for hosting. The evening was a reminder of the joy and community spirit inherent in the world of pinball.

Stay tuned for more pinball tales and tournament updates from across the nation!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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