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Pinball Galore at the Pinball Gallery Monthly Tournament

In the heart of Malvern, PA, amidst a backdrop of heavy rain and a cool 55°F, the Pinball Gallery Monthly Tournament unfolded on January 9, 2024. The tournament, organized by Bill Disney and hosted at the Pinball Gallery, was not just a competition, but a celebration of pinball’s enduring charm.

A Haven for Pinball Aficionados

As players stepped into the Pinball Gallery, they were greeted by an array of 67 pinball machines, each one a story, a challenge, a piece of history. From vintage classics to modern marvels, the selection was as diverse as the players themselves. Highlights like Super Mario Brothers on a vintage TV, Guns ‘n Roses, and various board games provided a well-rounded, nostalgic experience.

The Tournament: A Test of Skill and Endurance

The tournament format was intense, with each of the 19 players facing 10 games in the initial rounds. The top 8 players then advanced to the finals, which consisted of 2 rounds with one game each. It was a test of endurance, skill, and strategy.

Game Spotlight: El Dorado City of Gold Showdown

In the Semifinals, all eyes were on El Dorado City of Gold by Gottlieb, a game that dates back to 1984. The match was a thrilling display of skill, with Terri Morton coming out on top, followed closely by Tessa Morton, Matt Strzelecki, and Dennis DeLong.

Tournament Champions: A Display of Pinball Mastery

The tournament’s conclusion saw some remarkable talents being recognized:

  1. Tony Lastowka: Demonstrated exceptional skill and strategy, securing first place with 5 wins.
  2. Stephen Le: Despite 6 wins, he clinched a close second place.
  3. Tessa Morton: Showed great tenacity and skill, finishing third.
  4. Terri Morton: Fourth place was well-earned with consistent gameplay.
  5. Matt Strzelecki: His strategic play earned him a spot in the top five.

Standout Pinball Machines

Among the plethora of machines, some stood out for their history, gameplay, and allure:

A Night to Remember

As the tournament wrapped up, players and spectators alike left with the sounds of flippers and buzzers echoing in their ears. The Pinball Gallery provided a perfect setting for an evening filled with competition, nostalgia, and pure pinball fun.

For those who live and breathe pinball, and even those just dipping their toes in this fascinating world, keep an eye out for more updates from the realm of pinball!

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