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Retro Vibes where Pinball Thrives: The Atomic Age Modern

In the heart of Mesa, Arizona, where the clear skies paint a serene backdrop, the Atomic Age Modern venue turned into a bustling arcade arena for the eagerly awaited Group Match Play pinball tournament. As the neon lights flickered on, 43 pinball enthusiasts gathered on the evening of January 26, 2024, each with their eyes set on victory.

A Venue Out of Time

Atomic Age Modern, known for its eclectic mix of vintage finds and nostalgic ambiance, provided the perfect setting for a pinball showdown. The atmosphere, infused with the spirit of bygone eras, added a layer of charm to the intense competition. It was not just about playing pinball; it was about stepping back in time and reliving the golden age of arcades.

The Foo Fighters Face-off

Among the 13 pinball machines, the Foo Fighters (Premium) by Stern, a recent addition from March 2023, stood out as the battleground for one of the tournament’s most memorable rounds. Adam Horton, Matt Dickson, Courtney Hall, and Tawni Rene put up a fierce fight, with Horton taking the lead in a display of skill and precision that set the tone for the rest of the evening.

Champions of the Night

As the flippers stilled and the scores tallied, the top contenders emerged, each having navigated through six grueling rounds of pinball prowess:

  1. Stephanie Turner from Chandler, AZ, emerged as the tournament victor, her consistent performance across all rounds proving her pinball mastery.
  2. Adam Horton showcased his competitive edge and strategic gameplay, securing a well-earned second place.
  3. Mollie Stoltenberg demonstrated skill and determination, clinching the third spot on the podium.
  4. Alex Kee, a rising star from Stardust, made a significant impact with their fourth-place finish, signaling a promising future in the pinball circuit.

Pinball Lineup: A Blend of Old and New

The tournament featured an eclectic mix of pinball machines, from classic titles to modern marvels, each adding its unique flavor to the competition:

  • Flight 2000 by Stern Electronics and Firepower by Williams brought the classic pinball experience to the fore, challenging players with their timeless designs.
  • Godzilla (Pro) by Stern unleashed monstrous challenges, testing the players’ ability to navigate through the chaos.
  • Sorcerer by Williams and The Party Zone by Bally offered a magical and whimsical twist, with gameplay that was both enchanting and exhilarating.

A Night to Remember

The Atomic Age Modern Group Match Play tournament was a nod to the nostalgic charm of vintage arcades, and a testament to the timeless appeal of pinball. As the night concluded, the players left with memories of flippers, silver balls, and the unmistakable camaraderie that defines the pinball community.

Stay tuned for more thrilling updates from the world of pinball, where every game is an adventure, and every player has a story to tell.

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