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The MFStrikes!!! Birthday Pinball Tournament

In Seaside’s Lynn’s Arcade, under skies partly gray,
Pinball wizards gathered to celebrate and play.
With flippers flipping, and the silver ball in flight,
We sang out for Linda G, on this vibrant night.

Happy birthday, Linda G, let the pinball bells ring,
In every game and laughter, joy we bring.
With every tilt and bonus score,
We wish you happiness and so much more.

Demolition Man stood proud, a machine of yore,
Sam Stanko took the lead, with scores that soared.
Eric, Matt, and Vincent, through the rounds they spun,
Underneath the arcade’s glowing neon sun.

Happy birthday, Linda G, in the arcade’s gleam,
Among friends and flippers, a pinball dream.
May your year ahead be bright and bold,
Like a high score, precious, never old.

In the heart of California, by the seaside’s glow,
The pinball’s magic in the air, amidst friends we know.
Cary Carmichael led the fest, with games lined in rows,
A knockout tourney, where the pinball spirit flows.

From Evel Knievel to the Stranger Things‘ crew,
The games we played, the memories we drew.
Lynn’s Arcade, our haven, with joy so vast,
In this tournament, where every moment’s a blast.

Happy birthday, Linda G, with the pinball’s cheer,
Celebrating with you, year after year.
May the flippers guide you, the silver ball shine bright,
On this birthday evening, filled with delight.

So here’s to Linda, with all our arcade wishes,
For laughter, love, and endless pinball riches.
In the glow of the machines, your spirit shines so true,
Happy birthday, Linda G, this song’s for you.

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