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Electric Bat Sizzles with Season 10 Showdown in Tempe AZ!

The Electric Bat Arcade buzzed with excitement on February 20th as pinball wizards gathered for the Season 10- Series 2 #5 IFPA tournament. Over 100 players battled it out across 60 machines, each vying for pinball glory and a chance to etch their names in the silver ball annals.

Rush Hour Heroics:

Round 2 saw a heart-pounding duel on Stern’s Rush (Pro). Amber Valdivia, ranked 2004th, unleashed a strategic masterpiece, edging out the higher-ranked Jay Bondelli and seasoned player John Shopple. Valdivia’s mastery of the “Time Machine” multi-ball  proved decisive, leaving the crowd buzzing with her brilliant approach.

Cale Takes the Crown:

The tournament culminated in a nail-biting final, with Cale Bess Hernandez emerging victorious. Hernandez, known for his aggressive playstyle, navigated the diverse lineup with impressive consistency. He fended off challenges from Valdivia, Andrew Roesch , and local favorite Jason Barre to claim the top spot.

Pinball Paradise:

From the adrenaline-pumping Iron Maiden to the classic charm of Hotdoggin’, the tournament offered a smorgasbord of pinball experiences. The historic Cleopatra stood alongside the modern marvel James Bond 007, showcasing the evolution of the game. Each machine presented unique challenges and opportunities, keeping players on their toes throughout the night.

Electric Atmosphere, Electrifying Play:

The Electric Bat, nestled alongside the Yucca Taproom, provided the perfect backdrop for the competition. The camaraderie between players, the cheers of the crowd, and the clanging of flippers created an unforgettable atmosphere. It was a true testament to the passion and dedication of the pinball community.

A Huge Thank You:

A massive shoutout to Rachel Bess for organizing this fantastic event and to the Electric Bat for hosting such a vibrant pinball haven. We can’t wait for the next round of pinball action!

Stay tuned for more pinball updates!

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