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T-Rex Tilt! DeRazza Reigns Supreme at The Pinball Lounge Bonanza

The ground trembled, flippers clacked, and balls flew as the Pinball Lounge – Bonanza 2/20/24 tournament roared to life on February 20th. 23 players, pinball prowess unleashed, battled it out for flipper glory. But it was Brayden DeRazza, a rising star from Lake Mary, FL, who emerged victorious, leaving a trail of fallen flippers in his wake.

Jurassic Smackdown: DeRazza’s Prehistoric Prowess

DeRazza, ranked 1024th in the IFPA, put on a masterclass throughout the 6-round tournament. His secret weapon? A Jurassic Park (Premium) mastery that saw him dominate Round 6, edging out players like Anton Samilian (IFPA rank 4109) and John Osborne (IFPA rank 4685). DeRazza’s triumph wasn’t just about brute force; it was about strategic shot selection and a deep understanding of the dino-licious machine’s nuances. Watch out, Spielberg, there’s a new raptor in town!

Beyond the T-Rex: A Pinball Paradise Awaits

But pinball isn’t just about one prehistoric kingpin. The Pinball Lounge @Oviedo Bowling Center was a treasure trove of excitement. Godzilla (Premium) towered over the competition with its intense gameplay, while the classic Champion Pub by Bally held court with its quirky charm and devious uppercut. From the dark alleys of Game of Thrones to the web-slinging action of Spider-Man, there was a machine for every mood and skill level.

More Than Just Machines: A Winning Atmosphere

The true heart of the tournament wasn’t just the machines, but the fun atmosphere. The Pinball Lounge lived up to its name, providing the perfect setting for friendly competition. With its amazing selection of machines, great bar, and super nice staff, it’s no wonder the venue was buzzing with pinball passion. High fives flew, friendly banter filled the air, and the clinking of glasses celebrated every epic win and hilarious tilt.

Champions Crowned, Legends Made

A big thanks to Kurt van Zyl for organizing this epic tournament, and to The Pinball Lounge for providing the perfect pinball paradise! Here’s a shoutout to the top champs:

  • 1st Place: Brayden DeRazza (Lake Mary, FL) – Proving that even young guns can take down the big names.
  • 2nd Place: Garrett Smoke (IFPA rank 2971) – A seasoned player who consistently brings his A-game.
  • 3rd Place: Mike Zink (Ocala, FL, IFPA rank 2516) – A local legend who knows the lanes like the back of his hand.
  • 4th Place: Nick Smith (FL, IFPA rank 3897) – Up-and-coming talent with a knack for nailing those high scores.

Stay Tuned for More Pinball Mayhem!

This is just the beginning of the pinball adventure! Stay tuned for more updates from the exciting world of competitive pinball – the next tilt awaits! And if you’re ever in the Oviedo area, be sure to check out The Pinball Lounge. It’s a pinball haven that’s sure to flip your flippers! Just don’t challenge DeRazza to a game of Jurassic Park… unless you’re ready to get schooled by the champion!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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