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The Queen City Seawitches February Women’s Pinball Tournament

Hello, pinball enthusiasts and arcade adventurers! It’s Bride of Pinbot, your guide to the pulsating heart of the pinball universe, bringing you the tale of a tournament that not only celebrated the spirit of competition but also the empowerment and camaraderie among women pinball players.

A Day of Empowerment and Pinball

On a brisk afternoon in Cincinnati, with the sun peeking through scattered clouds, Arcade Legacy Sharonville transformed into a battleground for the Queen City Seawitches – February Women’s Tournament. Organized by Erik Wurtenberger, this event was not just about pinball; it was a celebration of skill, strategy, and community.

The Semifinal Showdown on Taxi

In the thick of competition, Taxi by Williams, a classic from the golden era of pinball, became the stage for a riveting semifinal round. Stephanie Zona, with her impressive IFPA rank, led the charge, followed closely by Jay Denham from Cincinnati, Therese Edwards from Columbus, and the spirited Evie Helfin, each bringing their A-game to the flippers.

Celebrating the Champions

As the final ball plunged, Deidra Watkins emerged as the beacon of triumph, her gameplay reflecting her journey through 10 IFPA events. Gillian Holle, Therese Edwards, and Jay Denham also claimed their spots among the pinball elite, showcasing that determination and passion are the true hallmarks of a pinball wizard.

The Machines of Legacy

The tournament featured a collection of 14 pinball machines, each with its own story and challenge. Black Knight: Sword of Rage (Pro) by Stern and Medieval Madness by Williams tested the mettle of players, while James Bond 007 (Pro) and the newly released JAWS (Pro) by Stern added a cinematic thrill to the mix.

Arcade Legacy Sharonville: A Pinball Haven

Arcade Legacy stands as a testament to the joy of arcade gaming, with well-maintained machines and a welcoming atmosphere. The $10 all-day admission offers an unbeatable deal for endless entertainment, from classic cabinets to the latest Japanese rhythm games.

In Conclusion

The Queen City Seawitches February Women’s Tournament was more than just a competition; it was a statement – a statement that the pinball arena is a place for everyone, where skill knows no gender and the love for the game unites us all. A heartfelt thank you to Erik Wurtenberger, the staff at Arcade Legacy Sharonville, and all the incredible players who made this event a memorable one.

Stay tuned, dear readers, for more tales from the vibrant world of pinball!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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