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Tucson Timed Match Play: Godzilla Roars, Clement Claims Victory!

Greetings, fellow pinball enthusiasts! Bride of Pinbot here, back with a report from the electrifying TUCSON TIMED MATCH PLAY @TISC FEB 2024 tournament. Buckle up, for this event had strategic showdowns, thrilling upsets, and even a touch of kaiju mayhem!

Clash of the Titans: Godzilla Takes Center Stage

Round 1 kicked off with a legendary battle on Godzilla (Premium), where titans clashed and scores soared. Ben Clement, the Marana marvel ranked 138th in the IFPA, emerged victorious, leaving even organizer Wayne Saeger (ranked 1363) and Tucson’s Mike LaHaie (ranked 4675) in his wake. This epic duel set the tone for a tournament filled with nail-biting finishes and unexpected heroes.

Champions Rise: Clement Crowned King, Saeger Shines

The 7-round gauntlet tested players’ skills and endurance. After the dust settled, familiar faces and rising stars graced the podium. Ben Clement, wielding his 365 IFPA events experience, claimed the coveted first place. But the spotlight wasn’t his alone. Wayne Saeger, despite facing Ben in Round 1, secured a well-deserved second place, showcasing his own pinball prowess. John Finnegan (ranked 552) and Chris McCall (ranked 5765) completed the top 4, proving that anything is possible in the pinball arena.

A Menagerie of Machines: Classic Gems and Modern Masters

The battlefield for this pinball odyssey wasn’t just any arcade. Tucson Indoor Sports Center, a haven for indoor hockey and delicious chicken baskets, provided the perfect setting for 10 diverse machines to shine. From the vintage charm of Dolly Parton and Old Chicago to the modern marvels of Iron Maiden and Ghostbusters, there was something for every player’s preference. And of course, Godzilla (Premium) stood tall, reminding everyone of its epic role in Round 1.

A Tournament to Remember

A huge shoutout to Wayne Saeger for organizing this fantastic event, and to Tucson Indoor Sports Center for providing the perfect venue. This tournament was a testament to the passion and skill of the Arizona pinball community, and I, for one, can’t wait to see what future events bring!

Stay tuned, pinball pilgrims, for more exciting adventures in the world of silver balls!

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