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Another Night, Another Flipper Frenzy: Life in the Pinball Loop

Ever find yourself caught in a loop, doing the same thing over and over again? That’s me, but with pinball tournaments. And not in the fun, “I’m-scoring-a-billion-points” way, but in the “I’m-writing-about-it-again” way. So, let’s dive into the latest round of bumper bashing at the MFStrikes!!! tournament, held in the pinball paradise (or purgatory, depending on your perspective) known as Lynn’s Arcade.

The Eternal Dance of the Silver Ball

On a clear evening that promised better adventures outside, 13 pinball wizards converged to do battle in a Basic Knockout Tournament that felt anything but basic to yours truly. Over nearly three hours, players were paired off in a merciless dance, with the unlucky accumulating strikes until they vanished from the competition.

The Duel of Destiny: No Good Gofers Edition

Highlight of the night? A showdown on No Good Gofers, a game that’s about as forgiving as a parking ticket. Cary Carmichael, the mastermind behind the event, squared off against Greg Gorelick in a clash that had all the drama of a Shakespearean tragedy, minus the iambic pentameter. Carmichael emerged victorious, proving once again that the organizer might just have an unfair advantage (or they’re just really good).

The Victors and the Vanquished

In a surprising twist, the organizer themselves, Cary Carmichael, claimed the top spot, followed by a lineup of players who, like me, probably wish they were on the other side of the flippers. Philip Priddy snagged second, with Ivy Simpson and Greg Gorelick rounding out the podium, proving that in the world of pinball, anything is possible.

A Pinball Pantheon

The tournament featured a veritable cornucopia of pinball machines, from the mind-bending illusions of Funhouse to the nostalgic pull of Batman 66, and from the classic allure of Paragon to the deep dives of JAWS and the exotic jungles of Congo. Each machine, a universe unto itself, waiting to be mastered by someone who isn’t me.

A Haven for the Flipper-Weary

Lynn’s Arcade, with its eclectic mix of old and new, rare gems and well-loved classics, is more than just a venue; it’s a sanctuary for those who speak in nudges and tilt warnings. The place has a vibe that makes even a cynic like me admit it’s pretty darn cool. Good NA beer options, too, though a solid root beer wouldn’t hurt.

The Final Act

As we close the curtain on yet another pinball saga, my hat’s off to Cary Carmichael and the hallowed halls of Lynn’s Arcade. Here’s to more nights of flipper-fueled fun, and maybe, just maybe, one day I’ll put down the pen and pick up the paddles. But until then, keep those balls rolling, and who knows, maybe your story will be the next one I (somewhat begrudgingly) tell.

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