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Clash of the Titans: SCPL Matchplay Overview

On April 20, 2024, The Game Preserve in Texas became the battleground for the SCPL: Monthly Matchplay, with 23 pinball wizards duking it out over 7 gripping rounds. The format pushed competitors to their limits, leading the top 8 into a nail-biting finals showdown. Despite a backdrop of light rain, the heat was on inside, with players and fans alike captivated by the intense arcade drama.

Marathon Match on the Mighty Paragon

The tournament’s spotlight shone brightly on a legendary game of Paragon, a classic machine by Bally from 1979. This standout game stretched an incredible 66 minutes in the finals, where Craig Squires ultimately triumphed. Nicholas Gustafson, Hunter Reed, and Marc Gammons rounded out the top spots, each demonstrating exceptional skill and determination under pressure.

Pinball Royalty: Celebrating the Champions

Our hearty congratulations go out to the pinball champions of this fiercely contested event:

  1. Craig Squires – Showcased veteran skills to dominate in his 437th IFPA event, despite his rank of 1137.
  2. Nicholas Gustafson – His strategic expertise earned him a well-deserved second place, coming from Spring, Texas with a rank of 939.
  3. Hunter Reed – Displayed tenacity and skill, snagging third place with an IFPA rank of 1263.
  4. Marc Gammons – Finished in a solid fourth place, showing his increasing competence in the pinball arena.
  5. Kyrra Warren – The newcomer impressed all by punching well above her rank of 7094 to place fifth.
  6. David Pollock – Their consistent play proved effective, landing them in sixth place.
  7. Liz Nebeker – Skillfully navigated the tables to finish in the seventh spot.
  8. Travis Hanna – Wrapped up the top eight with strategic gameplay and steady hands.

Spotlight on Stellar Machines

The tournament was adorned with 17 pinball machines, each bringing its own flavor to the fray. Among the standout tables were:

  • The Party Zone by Bally, celebrated for its exuberant party-themed artwork and energizing music that makes every player feel like the life of the party.
  • Tri Zone by Williams, a true testament to the golden era of pinball with its straightforward yet strategic design that challenges both novices and seasoned players.
  • Godzilla (Pro) by Stern, introduced in 2021, features state-of-the-art graphics and innovative gameplay elements, including a cityscape to demolish and monsters to battle, enhancing the thematic experience.
  • Guardians of the Galaxy by Stern brings a galaxy of adventure to the playfield with its integration of iconic music and detailed missions drawn directly from the popular film series.
  • Paragon, not only the marathon machine of this tournament but also known for its formidable playfield layout and the challenging “Golden Cliffs” section that tests even the most skilled players.

A Day to Remember at The Game Preserve

The Game Preserve, nestled at 473 Sawdust Road, Spring, Texas, proved to be more than just a venue; it was a pinball haven. With a robust selection of games dating from classic to contemporary, the atmosphere was nothing short of electric. Players and spectators alike were treated to a day filled with nostalgia and fierce competition.

Farewell and Future Games

A big shout-out to Space City Pinball for orchestrating such an electrifying event and to The Game Preserve for their fantastic hospitality. This tournament was a testament to the thriving pinball scene, and we look forward to bringing you more tales from the flipper-filled world of pinball tournaments across the country. Stay tuned!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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