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Tik Tok Strikes Back: A Night at the Fair Strikes Tournament

An Evening of Strategic Flips

The Tik Tok’s Fair Strikes 4/08 pinball tournament, hosted in the quirky and vibrant Tik Tok’s Workshop in Bremerton, WA, was a testament to the spirit and camaraderie of the pinball community. Over the span of nearly 4 hours, 11 players engaged in a battle of wits and reflexes, navigating through 11 rounds of intense pinball action. Orchestrated by Richard Godwin, the event unfolded under a light drizzle, adding to the cozy and intimate atmosphere of the competition.

The Mandalorian Takes Center Stage

The tournament kicked off with a riveting game on The Mandalorian (Premium) machine, where Bruce Cherry emerged victorious, setting a high bar for the rounds to follow. This early highlight was a showcase of the players’ skill and the strategic depth required to excel in pinball, making every flip and save count.

Celebrating the Pinball Virtuosos

As the final ball drained, Andrew McCann stood tall as the tournament champion, with Donovan Haga and Jennifer Bremerton claiming the subsequent spots. Bruce Cherry, not resting on his laurels from the first round, secured a commendable fourth place. These players, through their skillful play and strategic acumen, embodied the essence of competitive pinball.

A Showcase of Pinball Legends

The tournament was graced by an eclectic selection of 15 pinball machines, each contributing to the night’s electric atmosphere. Classics like Six Million Dollar Man and Eight Ball reminded players of pinball’s storied past, while newer additions like Total Nuclear Annihilation and The Mandalorian (Premium) offered a glimpse into the evolution of pinball design. The variety ensured that every round was as unique as it was challenging.

A Gem in Bremerton

Tik Tok’s Workshop, with its engaging events like naughty bingo and a treasure trove of pinball machines, proved to be more than just a venue; it was a haven for entertainment and camaraderie. The exceptional drinks, coupled with the warm and welcoming staff, made for an unforgettable night for both the pinball enthusiasts and casual visitors alike.

A Heartfelt Thank You

As we reflect on a night filled with the sounds of flippers and laughter, our hats go off to Richard Godwin for orchestrating such a seamless event, and to Tik Tok’s Workshop for providing the perfect backdrop for this pinball spectacle. The Tik Tok’s Fair Strikes 4/08 tournament was a vivid reminder of the joy and excitement that pinball brings to people’s lives, and we eagerly await the next opportunity to plunge into the action once more.

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