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Kitsap’s Amazing Race – June Finals: A Galactic Battle and Unveiling Mysteries

On June 22, 2024, pinball enthusiasts gathered for the much-anticipated Finals for Kitsap’s Amazing Race. This thrilling tournament, organized by the masterful Richard Godwin, spanned over three rounds with a single game per round and hosted four fierce competitors. From start to finish, the event kept everyone on the edge of their seats for a gripping 3 hours and 30 minutes.

The Secretive Venue

Ah, the intrigue! MatchPlay software seems to have missed the memo on our tournament’s location, keeping it shrouded in mystery. Perhaps it’s all part of the plan to keep us on our toes, or maybe it’s a secret pinball haven known only to the elite. Whatever the case, we’ll leave them to their secrets and focus on the electrifying matches that took place.

Galactic Showdown: The Mandalorian (Premium)

Round 1 kicked off with a battle worthy of the Star Wars saga itself, on Stern’s The Mandalorian (Premium). Released in July 2021, this game captures the essence of the galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunter. In an epic face-off, Donovan Haga, with his keen reflexes and precise shots, navigated through missions like a true Mandalorian. He conquered the game with unmatched skill, leaving Arthur Eckhardt, Michael Serna, and Sarah Bay trailing in his wake. Haga’s mastery of the game’s intricate missions and multi-balls secured his triumph in this round.

Pinball Machines: A Review of the Marvelous Selection

The tournament featured a total of 14 pinball machines, each offering unique challenges and excitement. Here’s a spotlight on five standout games:

  • Whoa Nellie! Big Juicy Melons by Stern (April 2015): This game combines a classic feel with vibrant artwork and an engaging theme. The oversized flippers and playful artwork make it a favorite among players who enjoy a throwback to traditional pinball aesthetics.
  • Houdini: Master of Mystery by American Pinball (October 2017): With its intricate playfield and magical theme, Houdini challenges players with tight shots and clever mechanical tricks. The detailed artwork and complex ruleset make it a captivating game for those who appreciate a good challenge.
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation by Williams (January 1993): This iconic machine transports players into the Star Trek universe with its wide array of missions and engaging gameplay. The interactive playfield and voiceovers from the original cast make it a beloved classic.
  • Total Nuclear Annihilation by Spooky Pinball (January 2017): Known for its fast-paced gameplay and retro-futuristic design, this game offers a unique experience with its simple yet challenging objectives. The pulsating soundtrack and neon lights add to its appeal.
  • Monster Bash (Remake) by Chicago Gaming (October 2018): A tribute to Universal’s classic monsters, this game combines humor and horror. The smooth gameplay, combined with stunning visuals and engaging modes, makes it a standout in any lineup.

Celebrating the Champions

A round of applause for our champions!

  1. Donovan Haga from Bremerton clinched the first place with his sharp skills and strategic play. Ranked 38th in the state and 1660th in the IFPA, Haga’s 152 events have clearly honed his abilities.
  2. Arthur Eckhardt took second place, showcasing his experience from 382 IFPA events. His impressive performance reflects his dedication despite a lower state rank of 265th and IFPA rank of 3183.
  3. Michael Serna, securing third place, demonstrated his growing prowess in the pinball arena. With 63 events under his belt, he’s on a steady climb, holding a state rank of 182nd and an IFPA rank of 5952.
  4. Sarah Bay rounded out the top four with her consistent play. Ranked 64th in the state and 1921st in the IFPA, her participation in 278 events speaks volumes about her commitment to the sport.

IFPA Washington Pinball Top 10 Standings

Rank Player Name City Wppr Points
1 Lonnie Langford Seattle 545.31
2 Dave Stewart Carnation 418.56
3 John Robinson WA Bothell 402.07
4 Conrad Rustad Bremerton 378.17
5 Jaran Jones Seattle 371.53
6 Richie Terry Seattle 363.87
7 Jarrett Gaddy Seattle 339.93
8 Leslie Ruckman Seattle 337.5
9 Joshua Francis Edmonds 318.56
10 Ashley Weaver Renton 290.82

Wrapping Up the Adventure

A big thank you to Richard Godwin for organizing this unforgettable event and to our mysterious venue for hosting. The Finals for Kitsap’s Amazing Race – June was a thrilling journey from start to finish. Special kudos to our standout winner, Donovan Haga, for his stellar performance on The Mandalorian (Premium).

Stay tuned for more pinball excitement and recaps! Until next time, keep those flippers flipping!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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