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Lights, Flippers, Action! The D82 Saturday Night Classics Recap

The atmosphere was crackling at District 82 Pinball Arcade on June 22, 2024, as 72 pinball wizards gathered for the D82 Saturday Night Classics tournament. Players battled through seven intense rounds, each featuring two games, vying for a spot in the top 24 to advance to the finals. The competition was fierce, the stakes high, and the passion for pinball palpable.

District 82 Pinball Arcade: A Pinball Paradise

Located at 800 O Keefe Road, De Pere, WI, District 82 Pinball Arcade is a haven for pinball enthusiasts. Reviews rave about the impeccable maintenance of the machines and the top-notch tournament organization. One reviewer from Texas couldn’t help but gush about their experience, highlighting the arcade’s warm atmosphere and well-maintained machines. The arcade, run by the dedicated Erik Thoren, continues to draw players from all over, eager to experience the magic of District 82.

The Showdown on Frontier: A Wild West Duel

In the semifinals, the game on Frontier by Bally, released in November 1980, stole the spotlight. This game, set in the untamed wilderness, saw Neil Graf, Jack Slovacek, John Ross, and Holden Milanowski face off in a battle of skill and strategy. Neil Graf, the seasoned state rank 10 player, demonstrated his mastery, navigating the treacherous terrain with precision to emerge victorious. His competitors, despite their valiant efforts, couldn’t match his prowess, making this a truly memorable match.

Standout Machines: A Pinball Extravaganza

The tournament featured a lineup of 48 unique machines, each with its own charm and challenge. Highlights included:

  • Sky Kings by Bally (April 1974): This classic features a captivating skydiving theme, with a straightforward yet engaging playfield.
  • Paragon by Bally (June 1979): Known for its intricate design and the notorious Beast’s Lair, this machine is a test of skill and nerve.
  • Alien Poker by Williams (January 1980): Combining the thrill of poker with an extraterrestrial twist, this game offers a unique and challenging experience.
  • Vector by Bally (March 1981): A fast-paced game with a futuristic theme, it keeps players on their toes with its complex playfield.
  • Dolly Parton by Bally (October 1978): With its vibrant theme celebrating the country music star, this machine is as entertaining as it is challenging.

Celebrating the Champions: Pinball Glory

The tournament concluded with a triumphant win by John Ross from Woodbury, MN, who secured the top spot. Despite his state rank of 67th and IFPA rank of 1033rd, John proved that determination and skill could lead to victory. Congratulations to all the winners:

  1. John Ross – A stellar performance from this underdog, with 29 IFPA events under his belt.
  2. Neil Graf – With 316 events, Neil’s experience shone through, securing second place.
  3. Ryan Hacker – Ranked 1975th in IFPA, Ryan’s 63 events showcased his growing prowess in the pinball arena.
  4. Tom Schmidt – From Neenah, Wisconsin, Tom’s consistent play earned them fourth place with 137 events.
  5. Nathan Zalewski – With 96 events, Nathan’s skill secured him a respectable fifth place.
  6. Jack Slovacek – Jack’s 88 events and strategic play earned him sixth place.
  7. Holden Milanowski – A strong competitor with 174 events, Holden’s seventh-place finish was well-deserved.
  8. Peter Goeben – With 328 events, Peter’s extensive experience saw them rounding out the top eight.

IFPA Wisconsin Pinball Top 10 Standings

Rank Player Name City Wppr Points
1 Tom Graf Appleton 595.54
2 Kassidy Milanowski Appleton 510.56
3 Erik Thoren De Pere 503.89
4 Danny Bronny Beverly Shores 452.15
5 Steven Bowden Palatine 434.31
6 Matt McCarty Neenah 377.21
7 Mike Weyenberg Manitowoc 376.02
8 Eric Strangeway Oshkosh 373.29
9 Jason Zahler 372.99
10 Neil Graf Appleton 337.84

Wrapping Up the Classics

A big thank you to Erik Thoren and the fantastic team at District 82 Pinball Arcade for hosting an unforgettable event. Your hard work and dedication to the pinball community shine through in every tournament. To all the players, thank you for bringing your A-game and making this tournament a thrilling spectacle. And to everyone who tuned in or attended, your support keeps the spirit of pinball alive and well.

Stay connected for more pinball excitement and recaps! Until next time, keep those flippers flipping!

Content created with AI using IFPA and MatchPlay data.

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