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Clash of the Pinball Titans at Colorado Pinball Pub Tournament

On a cool, overcast evening in March, the Colorado Pinball Pub transformed into a battleground where 8 fervent pinball enthusiasts dueled in the art of flippers, ramps, and high scores. The stakes were high, the atmosphere electric, and the pinball machines, ever the silent judges, stood ready for what would become a night of intense competition and unexpected triumphs.

A Night of Underdogs and Iron Maidens

In the midst of the fierce competition, a match on the classic Stern Electronics’ Iron Maiden from the golden age of arcades stood out. In this pivotal Round 4 clash, Mike Ulreich, a player whose name was not among the pinball elite, faced off against Ben Levine, an unranked challenger with everything to prove. The game was tense, filled with strategic flips and daring saves, culminating in Ulreich’s triumphant win, a moment that would echo throughout the rest of the tournament.

The Unexpected Heroes

As the final round drew to a close, it was Mike Ulreich who emerged victorious, his rank of 8173 a mere number that belied his skill and determination on this night. Jorel Velasquez, another dark horse with a ranking of 9822, clinched second place, proving that in the realm of pinball, anything is possible. Lewis Ritenour and Mike Cooley rounded out the top four, their experience and dedication to the game reflected in their impressive gameplay throughout the tournament.

Ode to the Machines

The real stars of the night, however, were the pinball machines themselves, each with its own story and challenge. Jack•Bot offered players a nostalgic trip with its casino-themed playfield, while the vintage charm of Iron Maiden tested players’ reflexes and strategy. Back to the Future brought cinematic thrills to the tournament, and Disney TRON: Legacy dazzled with its futuristic visuals and immersive gameplay. The Wizard of Oz by Jersey Jack Pinball, with its groundbreaking design and intricate playfield, offered a magical experience for all who stepped up to the challenge.

A Haven for Pinball Aficionados

The Colorado Pinball Pub, with its cozy atmosphere and impressive selection of whiskey, provided the perfect backdrop for this epic tournament. The venue, known for its commitment to the pinball community, offered players and spectators alike a chance to indulge in their passion for the game, with the added bonus of unlimited play on most machines for just $15 an hour.

A Night to Remember

As the night wound down and players exchanged stories of near misses and spectacular wins, gratitude was extended to J V for organizing an unforgettable event and to the Colorado Pinball Pub for hosting. The tournament was a testament to the enduring charm of pinball, a game that continues to bring people together in pursuit of that elusive high score.

So, to all the pinball wizards out there, keep your eyes peeled for the next tournament at the Colorado Pinball Pub. Who knows what surprises and exhilarating matchups await in the world of pinball?

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