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A Pinball Christmas at Atomic Age Modern: A Festive Poem

In Mesa, where palm trees sway and the rain gently falls,
A pinball tourney was held in Atomic Age Modern’s halls.
Bob Kennedy, our host, with a website so bright,
Invited players to compete on this festive night.

The tournament began, with the flippers all set,
44 players, their goals firmly met.
With six rounds of play, one game each round,
The clinking of pinballs was the dominant sound.

In Round 3, a spectacle on Cactus Canyon was seen,
Where Robert Kennedy played like a pinball machine.
With Mike, Stephen, and Josh giving chase,
Each flipper move was a strategic race.

As the night wore on, the winners stood tall,
Bob Kennedy triumphed, the champion of all.
Nate, Mike, and Rachel, their skills not in vain,
Played with fervor, in this pinball domain.

Night Rider, Surfer, and Firepower gleamed,
Foo Fighters rocked, and the Party Zone beamed.
Gilligan’s Island, a tropical delight,
Godzilla roared through the festive night.

Atomic Age Modern, with its vintage charm and flair,
Had pinballs and trinkets and treasures to spare.
A fun store, cool owners, a nostalgic array,
If you don’t know, now you know, as they say.

So, here’s to the pinball, in this holiday season,
A game of skill, fun, and no rhyme or reason.
May your flippers be swift, and your spirits bright,
Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night!

Follow us for more tales from the realm of pinball, where every flip and tilt is a jingle bell’s call!

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